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Year: 2011


About 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat is consumed by the average American throughout Thanksgiving Day, according to the Calorie Control Council  The key is self-control and being mindful. Here are some tips on how to do your waistline a favor and help you avoid overeating; Eat normally throughout the day, don’t skip meals to “make room”, it will just cause you to overeat later. Get some exercise, if just walking, before and after the meal. Drink water, it will make you feel...

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Health Tip: STRESS

Research has shown that being out in nature relieves mental stress and fatigue and creates a positive mood. If you are feeling stressed go for a walk in the park instead of grabbing a candy bar.

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Health Tip: RELAX

Taking a warm bath can be a great way to unwind from a stressful day.  Baths relax the nervous system, calm your muscular structure and allow quiet time for yourself.

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To keep your mind sharp, learn something new on a regular basis.  Your brain needs to be exercised by reading, taking a class, doing crossword puzzles or playing some other mind stimulating game.

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