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Tylenol, Motrin, Zyrtec & Benadryl RECALL

“Some of the products included in the recall may contain a higher concentration of active ingredient than specified; others contain inactive ingredients that may not meet internal testing requirements; and others may contain tiny particles” As a precautionary measure, parents and caregivers should not administer these products to their children. FDA Recall

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Your immune system is MADE not BORN. You are not a victim of your Genes, the strength of your immune system is determined by the lifestyle choices YOU make, not genetically programmed. Our genes react to the information we give it, diet, belief system (what you tell yourself), exercise, hydration, rest, etc.. Epigenetics is the study of these chemical reactions and the factors that influence them. Meet the epigenome and learn how it influences DNA. Change the level of gene expression in a cell...

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Alzheimer’s and Dementia Reversal

Brain diseases are linked to Mercury which is a neurotoxin. Eliminate artificial colors, flavors & sweeteners. Supplement with Thyroid. Modify or eliminate prescription medications. Use coconut oil. The use of CTPG (CERTIFIED PURE THERAPEUTIC GRADE) doTERRA Essential oils such as Frankincense, Patchouli & Balance are extremely supportive. These are just a few of the recommendations for reversing Dementia and Alzheimer’s. For more information see this YOUTUBE link Alzheimer's...

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