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Year: 2013


Flexibility naturally decreases with age. Stretching is essential to keep tendons, ligaments, and joints limber. Stretch only after you warm your muscles up to avoid damage to tendons and muscles. When stretching, fully extend the muscle and hold the stretch for a few seconds, but never bounce to avoid injury.

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To prevent injury when strength training, it is essential you warm up for 5 to 10 minutes with some light cardiovascular activity such as walking, jogging, cycling or rowing and then cool down with some light stretching for 5 to 10 minutes.

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Cherries are full of antioxidants, can help ease arthritic pain, fight cancer and are a great source of nutrients such as vitamins b-complex, calcium, potassium, ellagic acid, flavonoids and fiber. Cherries also contain melatonin, which is an important nutrient in promoting healthy sleep patterns. Sour cherries are higher in melatonin than sweet cherries.

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Circulation & Immune system

To boost your circulation and immune system, try thermotherapy. In the shower, alternate warm water with cold water for 30 seconds each. The cold water sends blood to your organs while the warm water brings it rushing back to the muscles.

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