“It’s supposed to be a secret, but I’ll tell you anyway. We doctors do nothing. We only help and encourage the doctor within.” Albert Schweitzer, M.D.
Year: 2014
FED UP movie trailer
Written by Kathryn Jost on .
“The gov’t is subsidizing the obesity epidemic” (sugar industry) “is in business to make $ not to keep American’s healthy” FED UP movie trailer watch?v=aCUbvOwwfWM
Watching Boob Tube vs Exercise!
Written by Kathryn Jost on .
Harvard research scientists found that every hour per day that women spent fitness walking instead of watching television they decreased their risk of obesity by 24% and diabetes by 34%. Photo image via American Woman Magazine
Health Tip: STRESSED?!
Written by Kathryn Jost on .
Feeling stressed? Try this little exercise to connect both hemispheres of the brain and restore focus and energy. Stand up and lift your right arm and left leg touching your left knee with your right hand. Repeat on the other side, repeat until flowing smoothly and stress has decreased.