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Day: September 9, 2010


Deep  breathing in a great way to calm yourself and energize your body. A good deep breathing technique is to sit comfortably, breathe in for  5 counts, hold your breath for 5 counts, and breathe out for 5 counts. Do this for 1-2 minutes.

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Good vs. Bad

Living without any stress is impossible unless you’re retired on an island, sipping coconuts while “Don’t Worry, be Happy” plays in the background.   Eventually, that could become stressful by sheer boredom. However, some stress is good for you. The good stress is that sudden burst of energy, the release of endorphins, serotonin and dopamine, that chemical cocktail we feel with our first kiss, getting the promotion, or our favorite team winning the playoffs.  Good stress, known as “eustress”,...

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