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Year: 2012

Health Tip: HUMIDIFY

To naturally freshen and humidify your air, put a large pot of water on the stove to boil and add some cinnamon sticks and cloves.  Let it simmer until the water is nearly gone.

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Benefits of PINEAPPLE

There are many benefits of a Pinapple, a natural anti-inflammatory fruit; Contains enzymes for treating rheumatoid arthritis effectively. Helps you lose weight by curbing sweet tooth. Prevents plaque, keeps teeth healthy, and reduces gingivitis. Aids w/ constipation and irregular bowel movement. Keeps your skin beautiful by hydrating & fighting free radicals. Fights a lot of diseases, being rich in Vitamin C. Rich in anti-oxidants, helps maintain good eye health. Lessens risk of hypertension...

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A natural herbal bug repellent is to place 1 teaspoon of hot pepper, one onion and 3 garlic cloves in 2 quarts of water and bring it to a boil for a few minutes.  Once the liquid is cool, pour it through a strainer into a spray bottle. Spray on roses, azaleas and vegetables to kill bugs.

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Research has shown that refined sugar can upset the mineral relationships in your body; causing chromium and copper deficiencies and interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.

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